Comparative action of hurain and trypsin on native and denatured proteins

Artículos, libros, monografías y colaboraciones, Werner Jaffe

Comparative action of hurain and trypsin on native and denatured proteins


Dept. de Bioquimica, Fac. de Ciencias, Univ. Central, Caracas, Venezuela, (29-III-1967

Hurain, the proteolytic enzyme of the sap of the jabillo tree (Hura crePitans), has been reported to be activated by Fe++ and inhibited by Ni++, Zn++, Cd++1 and Cl- ions; its activity is also diminished in the presence of trypsin inhibitors from soy bean, black bean, Ascaris lumbricoides and egg white

A comparison between the activity of trypsin and hurain on synthetic substrates has been published. In the present paper, some experiments on the action of these enzymes on native and urea denatured proteins are reported.

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