Escuela de Biología, Fac1dtad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, and Max Planck Institut für Eiweiss – und Lederforschung, München
Received August 5, 1964
Proteins extracted from the seeds of black kidney beans have been separated by ammonium sulfate fractionation and free-fiow electrophoresis into fractions: two soluble in salt solutions and nine water-soluble. Four of these fractions had hemagglutinating activity, but only two different hemagglutinating proteins could be demonstrated with reasonable certainty. Amino acids and sugars were determined in a11fractions; rhamnose, fucose, galactose, xylose, mannose, arabinose, glucose, an amino sugar, and one unidentified reducing compound were detected in one or several of the hydrolyzed proteins. lmmunological cross reactions could be detected by a double-diffusion technique between the different hemagglutinating fractions as we11 as between the inactive fractions. Six different precipitation lines were observed when the water-soluble proteins containing the six fraction, which precipitate with ammonium sulfate, were submitted to immunoelectrophoresis. Similar extracts from red or white varietiPR nf Phaseolus vulgaris gave very different patterns.